
The Role of Positivity in Reshaping Your Career after Failure

By Clifford Moore posted 05-02-2021 14:59


Everybody faces failure at some point in their lives and although you know failure can help you to grow, you may still fear it so much that it holds you back from accomplishing your goals. 

When you fail, it is often very hard to move on but a positive attitude to failure makes a difference. Here are some ways in which being positive can help you to reshape your career after failure. 

You gain insights you can apply to move forward

If you look at failure analytically rather than emotionally, it gives you the opportunity to learn from it. Suspend all your feelings of frustration, anger, regret or blame. Think about why you failed and what you could have done to create better outcomes. What insights can you apply going forward? 

The Wright brothers spent many years working on prototypes of aircraft that failed and incorporated insights from their failures to get to the point where they finally had a plane that could take to the skies and stay there. 

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You don’t take failure personally

Just because you haven’t been successful yet doesn’t mean that you are a failure. If you personalize your failure, it wreaks havoc on your self-confidence. If you let a career failure define you, it will be very difficult to pick yourself up and pursue your career goals once more and you may never fulfill your career aspirations. 

If Abraham Lincoln had taken his failures personally, he would never have become the President of the United States. He faced many failures in business and in politics on the way to his presidency. 

You know your worth despite what others may think

Oprah Winfrey was fired from her first TV job because someone thought she wasn’t fit for T.V. Walt Disney was fired from his newspaper job because he was believed to lack creativity and good ideas. If they had believed what others thought about them, they would never have achieved huge career success. 

Fear of failure is often rooted in fear of being judged and losing the respect of others. What one person believes to be the truth about you is not necessarily the truth, and if you give it too much power, it can undermine your ability to succeed because it affects your self-esteem. 

You maintain the perspective that failure is a step closer to success

You can’t afford to have the perspective that if you fail, it means you are weak, incapable and destined to always fall short. You need to embrace the perspective that if you fail, it means that you are one step closer to success. 

You need to believe that what you can learn from your failure could be the vital ingredient you need to succeed. Speak to anyone who has a successful career and they are sure to tell you that they had many failures along the way that motivated them to do better. The only difference between them and others was not giving up. 

You surround yourself with positive people

Negativity can be contagious and so can positivity. If you have positive people around you who are encouraging you to fulfill your dreams, it is easier to pick yourself up after a failure. When you’re surrounded by positive people, you will feel free to try new things, be brave about brainstorming new ideas, and ready to take the kind of steps that could bring career success. 

